
All the information, articles and documents that are presented on this website are provided free of charge to assist pilots in the execution of their aerobatic flying, and to help event organisers and CIVA officers to organise CIVA's aerobatic championships and manage the official business of CIVA.

If you feel that any of this material is in any way incorrect or misleading or could be improved in any manner then please take a few moments to advise us using the contact form provided.

Please also note that while we present materials and documentation in this website to assist anyone wishing to learn more about CIVA's championships and events, the official resource for all of CIVA's regulatory documents remains within the CIVA section of the FAI website at


Are you hosting an aerobatic event?

Our aim is to provide forward information for everyone with an interest in aerobatic competition flying.

For this however we do need your help, so please make sure that your Aerobatic Club or National Airsport Control sends us details of all competitions that are open to pilots and/or judges from other countries and we’ll add them to our Championship Calendar so that they get the widest circulation possible.

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