Update for EIAC in Romania

Published: 10th Aug 2021 by Nick Buckenham

The EIAC organisers have today confirmed that this championship will go ahead based upon the current entry listing of 19 pilots from 5 countries, having sought and obtained agreement with the Bureau of CIVA that the Judging Panel can be reduced in size to the normal minimum allowed by Section 6 Part 1 Regulations of five working judges plus the Chief Judge (non-scoring). More information on this event can be found in our EIAC Championship page here.

Note that the organisers of EIAC have published a resumé of the relevant Covid-19 information on their website, and that further details of the regulations from other countries can be reviewed using the comprehensive data sheet on this website here.

This will be CIVA’s final international aerobatic championship of 2021, following the extremely successful operation at Leszno of the Unlimited and Advanced glider championships and at Torun of the Advanced power championship, both of these run in fine style by the Polish organisers, for which the results can as usual be found here.

Further reading

CIVA 2024 Plenary Conference Bulletin #1 published

The first Bulletin for our forthcoming Plenary Conference, which will take place on November 2nd and 3rd at the Hellenic Air Force Academy…

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CIVA 2024 Proposals Package published

The assembled package of Proposals for review by the Rules, Judging and Glider Aerobatics Committees has been published and can be downloaded from…

Read more

Section-6 Part-1 2024 for Power Aerobatics published

After the usual careful development interval, we are very pleased to announce that the 2024 version of CIVA’s Section-6 Part-1 Regulations for Power…

Read more

Next event:

26th FAI World Glider Aerobatic Championship 2024



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