The New CIVA Excellence Level

Aims of the CIVA Excellence Level

This new CIVA power level is set midway between Advanced and Unlimited. It is intended to facilitate decision-making concerning:

  • Assessment of the readiness to upgrade from ADV to UNL via testing Pilot’s current skills and abilities;
  • Acquisition of skills and abilities necessary to upgrade to UNL Category;
  • Participation in a Cat II Event with the advantages of a Cat I Organisation and the presence of International Judges.

This level has been established to improve overall safety and enable pilots to get progressively used to higher G's and practice more difficult Rolls, Flicks and Spin combinations to improve their skills.

The Category is already available with the OpenAero software, and is supported by ACRO.

The CIVA Excellence Regulations are available in the Document Store.


CIVA Excellence - Known #1 in 2024


CIVA Excellence - Known #2 in 2024

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