Location: Romania
Call: +021 312 36 19
In 1920, on the initiative of Prince George Valentin Bibescu, the Royal Aeroclub of Romania (ARR) was founded, which became a legal entity on April 13, 1923.
ARR became affiliated with the International Aeronautical Federation (FAI), its candidacy being voted unanimously at the FAI Conference from August 8-12, 1923 in Gothenburg.
Within the Romanian Aeroclub you can take courses to obtain the following licenses:
Young people between the ages of 16 and 23 can take these courses for free within the limits of available places in each discipline each year.
Our aim is to provide forward information for everyone with an interest in aerobatic competition flying.
For this however we do need your help, so please make sure that your Aerobatic Club or National Airsport Control sends us details of all competitions that are open to pilots and/or judges from other countries and we’ll add them to our Championship Calendar so that they get the widest circulation possible.