18th July 2019 TO 18th July 2019
22nd FAI World Glider Aerobatic Championships
Location: Deva Airfield (LRDV), Romania
Dates: Training days:
Contest days: 18th to 28th July 2019
Entry fees: Competitors € 700
Other team members € 250
Towing: 1,250m € 65, 600m € 50
Jury: Manfred Echter (President) with Madelyne Delcroix and Jurek MakulaJury: Manfred Echter (President) with Madelyne Delcroix and Jurek Makula
Chief Judge: Philippe Küchler (SUI)
Judges: Alain Dugas (FRA) + Esteban Moulin, Bernard Courtois (FRA) + Rémy Louvel, Csaba Pakai (ROU) + Ciorlaus Vicentiu, Miyiako Kanao (JPN) + Yuichi Takagi, Sandra Wechselberger (AUT) + Suna Brunnemer, Stef Hau (GER) + Martin Worndl, Tamara Dovgalenko (UKR) + Galina Supranenko.
Website: http://www.wgac2019.ro/
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