How we work
Each year at the CIVA Plenary Conference, delegates and other attendees are encouraged to put their names forward for consideration as members of the Committees and Working Groups that have been established to manage many of CIVA's core responsibilities. In each case there is a chairman supported by a fixed number of members, who will act together to provide solutions in the specific areas that their duties cover
Clearly it is an honour to be appointed to one of these positions. Candidates are expected to work on behalf of their plenary colleagues and the world aerobatic community in support of the committee or working group that they wish to join. While their chairman may ask them to respond to specific tasks, it is their own responsibility to seek out areas where improvements or developments could be of benefit to the operation of aerobatic championships and lesser events, and to make a positive effort to move the subject forward.
Everything that happens within the CIVA environment is a direct result of the inspiration and effort made by the dedicated people whose names you see below in one or more of these management teams. This list also provides direct access to each chairman, to whom all enquiries and suggestions should in the first place be directed.
RC Chair:
Luca Andraghetti, ITA Email
Hanspeter Rohner, SUI
Philippe Küchler, SUI
Mike Gallaway, USA
Steve Todd, GBR
The Rules Committee is responsible for the development of Section-6 Part-1 regulations and all associated documents, and manages the mid-year RC & JC meeting to assess the suitability of proposed regulatory changes in advance of their detailed review and adoption / rejection by the CIVA plenary each year.
JC Chair:
Pierre Varloteaux, FRA Email
Alex Moore, ESP
Philippe Küchler, SUI
Quintin Hawthorne, RSA
Madelyne Delcroix, FRA
Luca Andraghetti, ITA
The JC appoints international judges for all CIVA championships, monitors judging standards, reviews and develops aerobatic judging regulations for best practice, and reports to the CIVA plenary each year.
GAC Chair:
Pekka Havbrandt, SWE Email
Eugen Schaal, GER
Ferenc Toth, HUN
Madelyne Delcroix, FRA
Philippe Küchler, SUI
Thierry Fraise, FRA
The GAC is responsible for all aspects of CIVA's glider aerobatic regulations, including review and submission of glider Free Known figure master sets as described for the KAWG below, and provides its recommendations to the CIVA plenary each year.
ICTC Chairman:
Ringo Massa, NED Email
Kari Kemppi, FIN
Thierry Fraise, FRA
The ICTC monitors and reviews all IT and communication systems operating at CIVA championships and provides its recommendations to the CIVA plenary each year.
CC Chair:
Daniel Genevey, HUN Email
Igoris Lobanovas, LTU
Leone Gambardella, GRE
The CC monitors the power and glider Aresti Aerobatic Catalogues, reviews and assesses proposals for new figures, and provides its recommendations to the CIVA plenary each year. Approved revisions to the catalogue are managed in conjunction with the FAI / Aresti Liaison Working Group chair.

Are you hosting an aerobatic event?
Our aim is to provide forward information for everyone with an interest in aerobatic competition flying.
For this however we do need your help, so please make sure that your Aerobatic Club or National Airsport Control sends us details of all competitions that are open to pilots and/or judges from other countries and we’ll add them to our Championship Calendar so that they get the widest circulation possible.