Latest News, Bulletins & Updates

Section 6 Parts 1 and 2 for 2022 Published

The CIVA Section-6 Part-1 (power) and Part-2 (glider) regulations for 2022 are at last now available from the Document Store here.

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WAAC 2023 schedule revision approved

Following a request from the organisers of this championship and subsequent approval by delegates, the schedule for this event has now been delayed by two weeks. The revised dates are – Training days: 20th to 24th October 2023 Contest days: October 24 to November 4, 2023 For further information please see the championship page here

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Plenary 2021 Minutes published

The minutes from the CIVA 2021 plenary conference have now been completed, are published and thus available online by visiting the plenary archive page here.

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Plenary 2021 Summary of Conclusions published

The Summary of Conclusions from CIVA’s 2021 Plenary Conference is now available, and can also be downloaded from the 2021 conference web page in the Plenary Archive. The fully detailed Minutes from this conference will be available in about a month’s time when they have been finalised, and will be added to the archived conference web page as above.

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The CIVA 2021 Conference is coming

The next assembly to review and debate CIVA’s plans and prospects will be another virtual affair using the online Zoom conference platform. This will follow the same format as our very successful 2020 plenary conference, and once again will comprise a Friday-based Free Discussion period for all delegates, followed by formal plenary sessions of about two hours each during the…

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Update for EIAC in Romania

The EIAC organisers have today confirmed that this championship will go ahead based upon the current entry listing of 19 pilots from 5 countries, having sought and obtained agreement with the Bureau of CIVA that the Judging Panel can be reduced in size to the normal minimum allowed by Section 6 Part 1 Regulations of five working judges plus the…

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Next event:

26th FAI World Glider Aerobatic Championship 2024



Are you hosting an aerobatic event?

Our aim is to provide forward information for everyone with an interest in aerobatic competition flying.

For this however we do need your help, so please make sure that your Aerobatic Club or National Airsport Control sends us details of all competitions that are open to pilots and/or judges from other countries and we’ll add them to our Championship Calendar so that they get the widest circulation possible.

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