Latest News, Bulletins & Updates

EAC-2021 is now cancelled

The CIVA Bureau regrets to announce that, despite a great deal of help through many weeks from organisers in a range of countries, our attempts to relocate the 2021 European Aerobatic Championship (EAC) have not been successful. Sadly time is now too short and later scheduled options unrealistic when considering long-established team plans and commitments. Under the circumstances therefore we…

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Final update for WAAC 2021

Following the recent survey and feedback from Delegates and the subsequent voting sessions to resolve an agreed new location and schedule for this championship, updated information for the event can now be reached from the CIVA AEROBATIC CHAMPIONSHIPS page on this website. A similar review for EAC 2021 is currently in progress with the Bureau of CIVA, and further information…

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Covid travel info

Links to useful Covid information web pages A range of useful web links to published Covid information has been assembled by the FAI Medical Commission CIMP and is available via the link below. Disclaimer: This information is presented in this list in good faith, however neither CIVA, CIMP nor FAI make any representation or warranty of any kind, express or…

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Update for WAAC and EAC

We regret to confirm that the situation regarding WAAC and EAC in the Czech Republic this year remains unresolved. Despite a long series of exchanges over many months between FAI, the CIVA Bureau and the President of the Czech Aero Club, the NAC has so far failed to sign the FAI Organiser Agreements and together we have not reached a…

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Start date for EIAC 2021 revised

Following an online survey of all CIVA delegates and based on that response a formal vote, it has now been decided that – The IEAC start date will be deferred by two months from July 4th to September 4th The WGAC/WAGAC start date will remain at July 28th as previously scheduled The EIAC organisers will shortly complete their revised Bulletin…

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Covid Update #3

Links to potentially useful Covid related travel info resources This list of internet links is provided unchecked and without any implied warranty from FAI resources, to facilitate members’ international travel plans during 2021. Please contact the CIVA President to impart useful related information or updates. IATA Australia Brazil Canada Czech Republic France…

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Next event:

26th FAI World Glider Aerobatic Championship 2024



Are you hosting an aerobatic event?

Our aim is to provide forward information for everyone with an interest in aerobatic competition flying.

For this however we do need your help, so please make sure that your Aerobatic Club or National Airsport Control sends us details of all competitions that are open to pilots and/or judges from other countries and we’ll add them to our Championship Calendar so that they get the widest circulation possible.

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