Plenary 2021 Summary of Conclusions published

Published: 1st Dec 2021 by Nick Buckenham

The Summary of Conclusions from CIVA’s 2021 Plenary Conference is now available, and can also be downloaded from the 2021 conference web page in the Plenary Archive.

The fully detailed Minutes from this conference will be available in about a month’s time when they have been finalised, and will be added to the archived conference web page as above.

Further reading

CIVA 2024 Plenary Conference Bulletin #1 published

The first Bulletin for our forthcoming Plenary Conference, which will take place on November 2nd and 3rd at the Hellenic Air Force Academy…

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CIVA 2024 Proposals Package published

The assembled package of Proposals for review by the Rules, Judging and Glider Aerobatics Committees has been published and can be downloaded from…

Read more

Section-6 Part-1 2024 for Power Aerobatics published

After the usual careful development interval, we are very pleased to announce that the 2024 version of CIVA’s Section-6 Part-1 Regulations for Power…

Read more

Next event:

26th FAI World Glider Aerobatic Championship 2024



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